gratar gaz roca vulcanica suport inox bancheta inox friteuza electrica economic plita electrica cu 2 ochiuri spalator inox frigider orizontal inoksan unitate de servire neutra dulap depozitare inox masa preparare pizza Unitate servire paine raft inox frigider pizza masa lucru inox plita electrica cu placa vitroceramica masa servire gratar gaz cu sistem de apa plita electrica inductie masa intrare bara inox agatare carne mobilier inox hota inox santafe masa intrare masina de spalat vase unitate de servire rece santana carucior colectare polite inox masa de lucru inox gratar electric cu placa striata raft depozitare hota profesionala ventilatie masa intrare iesire masina de spalat vase bolitor paste electric banda conveyor intrare iesire vase Chaffing dish masa blat marmura gevende gratar gaz cu placa striata carucior inox granit unitate de lucru neutra carucior servire Inaltator masa intrare-iesire masina spalat vase bain marie electric Unitate servire calda masa blat polietilena gratar gaz cu placa neteda cuva inox ingrediente |
INOKSAN ROMANIA by EMEDEZIn 1980, 2 successful entrepreneurs who believed in the foodservice industry, combined their gained experience and expertise to found INOKSAN. Vehbi Varlik and Coskun Irfan who started their journey with limited resources, created a small but powerful team made of ambitious and hardworking people who were on the pursuit of excellence just like them. A big dream which began in a small workshop, today turned out into an industrial base equipped with the latest technology which produces on 20,000 m² facilities and became a Turkish brand which attracted the attention of the world. Vehbi Varlik became 100% legal owner when he took over all the shares of INOKSAN in 2013 and he boosted the company just to make INOKSAN one of the global brands. First INOKSAN exported only to limited countries but today the group takes place among the Turkish leaders of industry with an export volume of million dollars to 5 continents. The group has a major interest on the export activities and produces custom made equipments for miscellaneous kitchen cultures around the world, promoting in all corners of the globe and exports 35% of its production volume through international agencies and direct sales. R&D is a priority for INOKSAN and the group reserves a major part of its yearly turnover for R&D works which in turns enable the company to compete with the world leaders thanks to its innovative equipments. INOKSAN which performs high quality raw material and material import for quality production, also puts the quality and the product of the world's most famous brands that are not produced in Turkey into service with the import made by them. INOKSAN produces hundreds of varieties of industrial kitchen equipment and apparatus from the preparation for a professional kitchen to cooking, service to dishwashing units. INOKSAN which has regional offices in 6 major cities and almost 40 authorized dealers all over Turkey, produces all products and accessories that are required for all places where drinking and eating takes place. These places may vary as hotels, bars, cafes, restaurants, tourist facilities and fast food places, and INOKSAN offers numerous alternatives to its customers by importing when necessary. INOKSAN makes production in CNC-controlled machines by combining stainless steel, chrome-nickel steel, imported and domestic components with its motto of producing the highest quality and longevity equipment in its own sector. INOKSAN provides after sales service with its 90 authorized services spread throughout the country. It seeks business partners who are well-supported about industrial kitchen equipment, electrical, electronics, cooling and LPG systems, having sufficient number of vehicles and personnel and can give letters of guarantee while selecting its authorized services. Authorized services must receive TSE certificate after making a contract with INOKSAN. It attaches importance of permanent customer satisfaction with quality, unlimited service and professional perspective all across the Turkey with INOKSAN's sales and service point’s assurance. INOKSAN has been working with full-service approach from project to service. INOKSAN preserves its approach to work on the foundations it built of focusing, differentiation, innovation and sustainability with the power of the deep-rooted history and it will continue to be the architect of the kitchens and to write new success stories. ---- Reprezentant autorizat INOKSAN in Romania, EMEDEZ TRADING este o companie tanara la fel ca si fondatorii si angajatii sai. Compania se caracterizeaza prin rapiditate, eficienta, flexibilitate si preturi avantajoase oferite clientilor. EMEDEZ TRADING prin marca „EMEDEZ Professional” si ofera clientilor o gama variata de utilaje si accesorii pentru restaurante, fastfood, cantine, catering, hoteluri Compania pune la dispozitia clientilor solutii complete de la A la Z, ce includ proiectarea, optimizarea maxima a spatiilor, studii de fezabilitate, consultanta, montaj, service si mentenanta, oferind calitate constanta, profesionalism si exigenta. Relatia cu clientii actuali si furnizorii este una de lunga durata reflectand increderea acordata catre compania noastra. Atu-urile noastre?
Va oferim solutii complete pentru optimizarea maxima a investitiei dumneavoastra si va suntem alaturi in toate stadiile incepand cu planificarea investitiei, consultanta, proiectare, montaj, service si maintenanta pe perioada utilizarii. Clientii nostri stiu ce vor, iar noi stim ce le oferim: raportul pret-calitate cel mai avantajos. Lucrand cu furnizori multiplii oferim o gama variata de produse de calitate, ce va pot fi puse la dispozitie oferite in timp optim. Produsele pot fi livrate in toata tara, iar garantia si service-ul este disponibil printr-o larga retea de distributie.